Wednesday, June 8, 2011

An Explosion of Energy at Maiden Castle, Dorset, England

Maiden Castle, DorsetImage by squelch41 via Flickr
Maiden Castle, in the county of Dorset, in England, is the remains of a fortified, hilltop settlement, dating back thousands of years. Until recently, the conventional wisdom was the Maiden site grew slowly from about 2,000 B.C., was painfully enlarged generation after generation, and peaked several centuries before foreign invasion and withered by the time of the Roman occupation. In an amazing turn of events, scientists believe the peak of its importance as a center of an organized community was actually reached far, far earlier, nearly 5,000 years ago., when it became the largest fortress site in all of Europe.

In a facinating article in The Guardian, from the U.K., scientists are able to analyze new archaeological dating evidence far more precise than carbon-14 measurements. The results are that Maiden Castle grew very large as a hilltop settlement around 3,700 B.C., in a rapid explosion of growth. The people living there were able to maximize military, agricultural and civic organizational techniques to far outstrip the power of their neighbors.

Once again, we learn new evidence about the past and realize just how much we don't know. This is a central idea in the novel, Gettysburg Passage, an action-adventure fantasy available from Amazon. Modern people go about their everyday lives. Suddenly, they are confronted with evidence of a reality they didn't think possible. Should they investigate further, and perhaps be called on "to help"? What if that means walking away from your regular daily existence, from your friends and family? Maybe they'll come along!

Here is a link to The Guardian article:

And here is a link to learn more about Gettysburg Passage, just $2.99 from Amazon:
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