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A lot of fantasy fiction has taken advantage of the possibility of multiple universes being spun out of everyday existence. The idea is simply that existence, at each decision point, constantly subdivides into multiple existences. The theory is related to quantum mechanics in physics and roughly explained by "if the tree fell in the forest and you didn't hear or see it, did it really fall?" Another thought experiment is described by the late, famous physicist Erwin Schrödinger’s Cat and can be summarized as, is that damn cat really dead until you look in the box? If all outcomes are possible, then was Jesus really handed over to the Romans, did the Norman's successfully invade England, did the Nazis win WWII, etc. etc. in some other universe?There is a very interesting update on multiple universes in today's Telegraph, from the U.K., in an article by Roger Highfield. He seems to think that multiverses are a done deal. Give it a read and see what you think!
In my novel, Gettysburg Passage, I flirt with the possibility of a parallel universe but do not make it central to the plot, which could involve some kind of time travel. How certain events unfold is left to the imagination of the reader. But I must admit the possibility of multiverses is really cool and the idea that you could jump between them, maybe to a more desirable outcome, is attractive to many.
Gettysburg Passage is a fantasy novel from Amazon which takes place mostly in the present time. But several of the main characters do get sucked into past events in American history, if only for brief slices of time. The challenge they face is, are they willing to give up the very comfortable present to make a great contribution to history and civilization that is occurring in some other time or parallel existence? If they elect to help out, they probably won't make it back "home." Would you do it -- make the jump -- if your reality would become far more exciting somewhere else?
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