Image by Ken Lund via Flickr
The American media has re-discovered the Civil War. It happens every 25-30 years, especially around major anniversaries like 150th year of the start of the conflict. While the war has always been popular in nonfiction, it's not a typical setting for a lot of mainstream novels today. It was with some anxiety that I named my fantasy novel Gettysburg Passage. While Gettysburg, PA plays a role in the climax, I was afraid many potential readers would assume the novel was strictly in the genre of war-related historical fiction -- which is actually a secondary influence.
Gettysburg Passage, from Amazon, is really about how a group of modern people living around Washington, D.C., New England and Paris, come to a decision about whether to help out -- or not -- the remnants of a mysterious society about to be overwhelmed by barbarous invaders. That society is potentially reached through a portal found near the Gettysburg battlefield. And the historical battle plays a role in the modern-day decision to help out or not.
So to the extent the Civil War anniversary draws some attention to Gettysburg Passage -- that is a good thing. Just remember that the book, just $2.99, is also a fast-paced, modern-day fantasy, action and adventure e-novel, with a dash of Civil War action thrown in for good measure. Go to and try out a sample chapter today!
Find Gettysburg Passage reader reviews here.
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