Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Across the Middle East and North Africa many have made individual, often painful and always risky decisions to join protests against autocratic regimes in Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, Iran and Syria. They lost sleep, discussed risks with loved ones, asked opinions of friends and family and then made the decision to act or not. For hundreds of thousands of people, the decision to march, to demonstrate, "to be counted," has been a positive, affirming decision with few negative consequences. Governments have fallen. But for several thousand brave but unfortunate young men and women, the decision to be counted has carried a painful cost. In Egypt, hundreds died. In Iran, many are detained. In Libya, perhaps thousands of innocent citizens are dying.
The lonely decision of one person, or maybe a few friends, to act, to help, to right a wrong, to make the world a better place, is the central dilemma in my fantasy novel, Gettysburg Passage, by John Callahan, a Kindle ebook from Amazon. The people who stand up for something better, who decide "to be counted" have a name in any society: heroes. They are all ages and come from all walks of life. In Gettysburg Passage they are Rick Reynolds and his friends, about 30 years old, employed, well educated. They are successful, comfortable and content. Why rock the boat?
Because a lost people need their help and it is the right thing to do. Gettysburg Passage, perhaps a civilization will be saved. Just $2.99, from Amazon. Read book reviews here.
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